Monday, October 2, 2017

Using Invoke-Command on a Remote Domain Server

Greetings everybody!

Sorry for the long delay.  I was busy fishing and visiting family.  Now that summer is over I have some great stuff to post regarding things I have learned with PowerShell.

Just last week I was asked to get a list of user information from one of our external domains.  The easy path would have been to RDP to the remote domain controller and run a PS script.  However, I try to make my scripts usable by other people who don't, necessarily, have the same permissions as myself.

For me, the easiest way is to use is the script:
invoke-command -ComputerName <FQDN> -Credential <domain\username> -ScriptBlock { get-aduser -filter * -Properties * -SearchBase 'OU=People,DC=MyDomain,DC=Net' | Select-Object DisplayName,sAMAccountName,ObjectSid | FL }

The -ComputerName must use the fully qualified domain name (i.e.,

The -Credential must be an account that has sufficient permissions to run the script on the remote server.  For example, Mydomain\Administrator

You can narrow down your search by specifying the -SearchBase.  This helps keep out any clutter from Active Directory.

The output will look like this:
DisplayName          : Bob Johnson
sAMAccountName : bJohnson
ObjectSID:              : S-1-1-11-11111111-1111111111111-11111111111-1111

Next week: I will show how to use encrypted variables so you don't have to enter in a password.

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