Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Deleting Files Over 30 Days

I have had a few requests come in asking to create a job that will delete files, in a specific folder, that are older than 30 days.  This was a relatively simple script to write, here it is:
$fileList = get-childitem -path <\\<server name>\<path>

foreach ($files in $filelist) {

if ($files.LastAccessTime.Date -lt (get-date).adddays(-30)) {

#write-host -ForegroundColor green $files.FullName

Remove-Item $files.FullName

} # end IF

} # end foreach

You can adjust the number of days by changing the (get-date).adddays(-30))   from -30 to whatever number of days you choose.

I have been able to use this cmdlet for many different jobs.  That's what I like about can reuse code for different applications.

I hope you found this useful.

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