Monday, December 19, 2022

Finding Mailbox With a Specific Proxy Address

 Hello everyone!

I recently got a request to find a mailbox that is using a specific proxy address.  I have been working for my company for over 3 years and I found it interesting we haven't been ask to do this sooner.  It is requests like this that shows the usefulness of PowerShell.

The first script that was created just checked Active Directory for the proxy address:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties proxyaddresses | Select -Object Name,@{L="ProxyAddresses";E={($_.ProxyAddresses -match '^smtp:')}} | fl

You will get the following output:

Since I believe in the concept of "complete work", I changed the script to search Exchange Online for the proxy addresses.  Connect to MSOL and use the following:
Get-MSOLUser -all | Select-Object UserPrincipalName,,@{L="ProxyAddresses";E={($_.ProxyAddresses -match '^smtp:')}} | fl

This will give you the same output format as the first script.

For both scripts, you can substitute "-match '^smtp:'" for something more specific.  For example, if you want to search for proxy addresses that start with "HR', you can change the script as follows:
Select-object Name,@{L="ProxyAddresses";E={($_.ProxyAddress -match '^smtp:hr*')}}I

As always, I hope you found this information useful.  Please feel free to post a comment or question.

Until next time...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Pulling list of Azure servers

 Greetings everyone!

Sorry for the delay but I had either a cold, the flu, or, possibly, the plague.  But I am back with another terrific script from my good friend, Ross Jurek.

Ross created a script that will gather all Azure subscriptions, based on your Azure account, and list the virtual machines for each subscription.  The following information is retrieved:
The state of the VM

Here is the script:

Connect-AzAccount -Verbose -Tenant <your tenant ID> 

$VMReport = @()
#Get All Subscriptions
$subs = Get-AzSubscription 
#Arry to store list of VMs
$vmobjs = @()
#loop through each subscription

foreach ($sub in $subs)
#Display the current processing subscription
Write-Host "Processing subscription $($sub.Name)"
    #Select the subscription
    #please add the condition if you want to skip a particular subscription

    Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $sub.SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Continue

    #Get all the VMs information
    $vms = Get-AzVm 

     #loop through all the VMs
        foreach ($vm in $vms)
            $PowerState = Get-AzVM  -Name $vm.Name -Status | select-object PowerState
            $vm.Name , $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType , $vm.Location , $PowerState.PowerState
            $VMReport += New-Object psobject -Property @{
            "VMName" = $vm.Name
            "VMOSType" = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType
            "VMLocation" = $vm.Location
            "VMState" = $PowerState.PowerState
        Write-Host $error[0]


#export to csv format
Remove-Item c:\temp\AzureServerList.csv -ErrorAction Ignore
$VMReport | Export-Csv "c:\temp\AzureServerList.csv"


I have a Virtual Studio subscription and I didn't want that information to be part of the output.  I made the following change to the $subs = Get-AzSubscription command
$subs = Get-AzSubscription | where-object { $_.Name -like "My Cloud*"}

I had an issue when I first tried the script.  I kept getting the following message for each VM:
WARNING: There are more than 100 VMs in the result.  Only the statuses of 100 VMs are shown to avoid throttling.  To get the actual status of each VM, please provide a VM name with -Status parameter.

I talked with Ross about this and he recommended I either install or upgrade my Az module.  So, if you get the error, try either of the following:
install-module -name Az -RequiredVersion 9.1.1
update-module -name Az -RequiredVersion 9.1.1

Again, I want to thank Ross Jurek for sharing this code with us.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions feedback.

Until next time...