Sunday, November 27, 2022

Update on the MIM Script from Last Post

On PowerShell Power Users LinkedIn group, Tim Clapper posted a way to speed up the main script.  Here two snippets from the the script I posted:

$results = get-aduser -filter * -properties * | where-object {$_.givenName -eq $FirstName -and $ -like $tempLastName| select-object givenname,sn | Measure-object

While ($results.count -eq 1

#this checks if there is an account with the first name and last name.  If $results.count is zero, the while loop is exited.


       $tempLastName = $LastName + $counter

       #This command now looks for a first name and last name+counter.

       $results = get-aduser -filter * -properties * | where-object {$_.givenName -eq $FirstName -and $ -like $tempLastName| select-object givenName,sn | measure-object



Tim recommended I make the following changes to speed up the script:
1. Instead of using the where-object statement, move the conditions to the -filter switch
2. Instead of using 'sn', use 'surname'

The changes would look like the following:

$results = get-aduser -filter(givenName -eq $FirstName -and surname -like $tempLastName) | select-object givenName,surname | measure-object

Within the While loop

While ($results.count -eq 1

#this checks if there is an account with the first name and last name.  If $results.count is zero, the while loop is exited.


       $tempLastName = $LastName + $counter

       #This command now looks for a first name and last name+counter.

       $results = get-aduser -filter(givenName -eq $FirstName -and surname -like $tempLastName) | select-object givenName,surname | measure-object



I've tested the code and it does run faster since the code isn't searching all of Active Directory with the Where-Object command.

Test the change for yourself and let me know what you think. You can find the full code and MIM activity screen shot at

A huge thank you to Tim Clapper.  He is one of the many PowerShell fans in the LinkedIn PowerShell group.  I highly recommend you join!

Until next time...

Monday, November 21, 2022

Triumphant Return and a MIM Script

 I'M BACK!!  It has been way too long but I am back.

I will be posting more scripts that we create and use in the company I work for.  They will be mostly GET- scripts against Active Directory, as well as the PowerShell commands we use in our Microsoft Identity Management (MIM) environment.

So, let's get started with a MIM script that we use to look for unique first name and last name within the MIM portal.

As you may or may not know, the MIM portal has PowerShell version 2.0 embedded in the portal.  In order to use the get-ADuser, you need to be running PowerShell version 3.0. I was able to find a workaround so that the main script can be executed using PowerShell 3.0.

I created two scripts, the main scripts and the script that runs inside the activity.

This is the code that is running within the PowerShell activity:

 As you can see, the command that starts with $templastname runs the PowerShell command but it runs it under version 3.0.  This was how I was able to work around the PowerShell 2.0 limit within the MIM portal.





$tempLastName = powershell -version 3.0 -command "c:\scripts\test_unique_lastname.ps1 $firstName $lastname"


This is the main script.

#This makes the variables available to the script.





#This loads the module in case it isn’t already loaded

import-module activedirectory

#This sets the counter for

[int]$counter = 2

$tempLastName = $LastName

#This command looks for an account that contains the first name and last name similar to what was entered in the portal

$results = get-aduser -filter * -properties * | where-object {$_.givenName -eq $FirstName -and $ -like $tempLastName} | select-object givenname,sn | Measure-object

While ($results.count -eq 1

#this checks if there is an account with the first name and last name.  If $results.count is zero, the while loop is exited.


       $tempLastName = $LastName + $counter

       #This command now looks for a first name and last name+counter.

       $results = get-aduser -filter * -properties * | where-object {$_.givenName -eq $FirstName -and $ -like $tempLastName} | select-object givenName,sn | measure-object



#This value is returned to the PowerShell activity in the portal


The scripts and the screenshots of the PowerShell activity are available in my GitHub account,  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.